„Muscum Caledonia“ zeichnet die dunkle und dezente Ausprägung der Strukturen in verschiedenen Grün- und Grautönen aus. Der im STEINBILD „Muscum Caledonia“ verarbeitete Quarzit entstand vor ca. 400 Mio. Jahren, als aufgrund der Kollision zweier Kontinente die variszische Gebirgsbildung stattfand.

History of origins

Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history


At the time of the formation of the natural stone of this STEINBILD a Variscan mountain building (collision of two continents) took place. This began the unfolding of the Rhenish slate mountains Harz and Eifel.


At the end of the age, lush forests with the first ancestors of conifers and the first seed plants appeared. The primitive ferns (vascular plants) had already spread over a wide area. These were able to develop and spread quickly because there were no large herbivores at that time. At the same time the ammonites developed well.

400 million years

Age of rock



Type of rock


Quartz, admixtures of ores giving color 

Main constituent

Made in Germany

Developed and completed in Germany

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