„Mont Blanc Courmayeur“ präsentiert sich durch seine gewolkte Struktur und dunklen Aderungen. Der im STEINBILD „Mont Blanc Courmayeur“ verarbeitete Quarzit entstand vor ca. 220 Mio. Jahren, zum Zeitpunkt, als der Nordatlantik, die Dolomiten und das Himalayagebirge entstand.

History of origins

Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history


The supercontinent Pangaea began to break up, creating the North Atlantic, the Dolimites, and the Himalayan Mountains.


At this time, the first ancestors of flowering plants developed. The climatic differences between north and south created different plant worlds. Thus the first dry plants developed in the desert areas. At the same time, the first bare-seeded plants (conifers) became established. Animals of the Tethys advance to the west and the first water turtles and dinosaurs evolve.

220 million years

Age of rock



Type of rock


Quartz, admixtures of ores giving color 

Main constituent

Made in Germany

Developed and completed in Germany

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