Lyra Duplex
- Dimensions: 73.62 x 56.69 inches
- Alignment: Upright
- Butterfly: Yes
- Grain: Veined
- Size category: XL
- Topics: Mountains , Waters
- Product number: LS210538
Available, delivery time 2-3 weeks
„Lyra Duplex“ zeichnet neben dem silbergrauen Grundton die edle, goldene Aderung aus, die zum Teil sehr dominant erkennbar ist. Der im STEINBILD „Lyra Duplex“ verarbeitete Marmor entstand vor ca. 300 Mio. Jahren, als durch die variszische Gebirgsbildung Teile des Festlands entstanden.
History of origins
Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history
The Variscan mountain building created parts of the mainland of Europe.
There was dense vegetation only on shores with mainly tree ferns and precursors of conifers. Thus the first coniferous forests developed. At that time goniatites, conodonts, large foraminifera and brachiopods developed.
300 million years
Age of rock
Type of stone
Magnesium, silicon, calcium, iron
Main component