„Iceland Glass“ zeichnet die besondere Aderung in Form von Rissen aus, als auch der bedachte Blau- und Graustich im gesamten Bild. Der im STEINBILD „Iceland Glass“ verarbeitete Quarzit entstand vor ca. 900 Mio. Jahren als die abschließende Formierung des Superkontinents Rodinia stattfand.

History of origins

Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history


At the time of the formation of this natural stone, the final formation of the supercontinent Rodinia took place.


In the age of tonium, the first speciation of organisms in the field of flora and fauna took place.

900 million years

Age of rock



Type of rock


Block quartzite



Quartz, admixtures of coloring ores

Main constituent

Made in Germany

Developed and completed in Germany

Free shipping

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Do not worry

With us you can buy without hesitation

7 days return policy

Free return if the STEINBILD does not convince you

Assembly service

Have your unique STEINBILD professionally mounted