„Graphite Champ“ zeichnet sich durch seine blau-graue Oberfläche aus, die durch seine auffällig hellen Adern besticht. Der im STEINBILD „Graphite Champ“ verarbeitete Metamorphit entstand vor ca. 700 Mio. Jahren während der Eiszeit, als die Photosynthese fast komplett stillgestanden ist, wodurch nur mikroskopisches und pflanzliches Leben anzunehmen ist.

History of origins

Each STEINBILD tells the probably oldest story in the world - our earth history


At that time, the earth was in an ice age.


Photosynthesis was almost completely stopped by the ice age. Therefore, only microscopic, plant life can be assumed at this time. In the area of fauna, the earliest known representative of the Bilateria (two-sided animals) appeared.

700 million years

Age of rock



Type of rock


Silica, aluminum, calcium, sodium, potassium, biotite

Main component

Made in Germany

Developed and completed in Germany

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7 days return policy

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Assembly service

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